
Oscars 2013: Best Costume Design Preview

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Another Oscars, another Best Costume Design field filled with period pieces.  On the surface it could be argued that this year’s nominees are more of the same.  Yes, period pieces again dominate the nominees.  No, there are no contemporary films given a nod.

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Unlike the Costume Designers Guild, which breaks their nominations into three categories: fantasy, period and contemporary, Oscar® only makes room for five.  The result is that more often than not, its the designers who tackle period films or prepare armies for battle that are shown the love from the Academy®.  This year is no different with three period films, “Anna Karenina,” “Les Miserables” and “Lincoln” all receiving nominations.  But, if you take a closer look, there are plenty of reasons not to head to the fridge when this category’s number is called during the ceremony.

Watch my Costume Design Preview segment right here on The Seven Sees.

Melissa Chataigne is LA-based stylist and host who has brought her affordable and sophistication stylings to television, online, and print media for over 7 years. Melissa has worked with numerous celebrities such Lindsay Lohan, Niecy Nash, Luke Robitaille, Mint Condition, and Mark Salling. Melissa has provided how-to style solutions and trend spotting tips on, Clevver TV,, Splash News TV, as well as her own blog

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