Sam Beard to receive 2013 EZ Achievement award from Eric Zuley
Because of Presidents Day I thought i’d post this.
A big thanks to my client Rick Rozman for introducing me to Sam Beard. Also big thanks to the Multicultural Motion Picture Association for naming this award after me Eric Zuley Sam beard is the next up after Larry Namer
About Sam Beard
Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan met in the White House before flying to honor Egyptian President Anwar Al Sadat. 1981 In recognition of NDC’s four presidential programs, the four presidents signed this picture and sent it to Sam Beard.
Sam Beard has dedicated his working life to public service. Mr. Beard has had the privilege of initiating and then chairing programs for each of the last seven Presidents of the United States: Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush.
National Development Council – $100 Billion of Financing – Over 1 Million Jobs Created
See: http://www.nationaldevelopmentcouncil.org
In 1969, Mr. Beard founded and remains Chairman of the National Development Council (NDC), a national non-profit organization dedicated to redeveloping urban and rural low-income communities. NDC has initiated and run four Presidential job creation programs for Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan, and has been responsible for over $100 billion of revitalization financing, creating over 1 million jobs. NDC trains over 3,000 economic development professionals annually. There are six major federal economic development tools in the United States, and NDC has pioneered and helped to create two of them.
The Jefferson Awards honor Hank Aaron, Colin Powell and Jody Powell in U.S. Supreme Court. 1990
The Jefferson Awards for Public Service – A Call to Action for Volunteering
See: http://www.jeffersonawards.org
In 1972, along with Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and U.S. Senator Robert Taft, Jr., Mr. Beard co-founded the Jefferson Awards for Public Service to create a Nobel Prize for public service. The Jefferson Awards recognize both ordinary people who do extraordinary things and individuals whose public service has had a broad national impact. National winners have included four Justices of the Supreme Court, including Sandra Day O’Connor and Thurgood Marshall; seven Secretaries of State, including Colin Powell and Cyrus Vance; as well as Alan Greenspan, Bob Hope, Lance Armstrong and Stephen Jobs. Over 155 newspapers, television and radio stations herald local “Unsung Heroes” the nation’s largest media partnership fostering volunteerism. The estimated value of the print and air space exceeds $100 million.
Beginning in 2006, the Jefferson Awards is refocusing its programming to create a “Call to Action” for volunteering and community building at a grassroots level. Leaders at the Carnegie Endowment and the Kennedy School at Harvard are concerned that fewer individuals are joining organizations and volunteering. They see this as a threat to the basic tenet of our democracy. Each individual can make a difference and should participate in civic engagement.
With Deloitte & Touche, the Jefferson Awards is piloting a new initiative in high schools to double volunteer service, train student leaders and include ethical decision making.
At the Presidents’ Service Summit in Philadelphia, Presidents Bush, Clinton and Carter, along with Mrs. Reagan, endorsed the Jefferson Awards initiated Presidents’ Student Service Awards and set the goal of involving 1 million students in service. 1997
President’s Youth Service Awards
See: http://www.presidentialserviceawards.gov
In 1992, working with President George Bush, Mr. Beard was a driving force creating the President’s Youth Service Awards to attract thousands of young Americans into service. In 1997, at the urging of Mr. Beard, at the Presidents’ Summit on Volunteerism in Philadelphia, Presidents Bush, Carter, Clinton and Ford, along with Mrs. Reagan and Colin Powell, adopted these awards and set the national goal of attracting two million young Americans to do 100 hours of service. With the recommendations of Mr. Beard, in January 2003 President George W. Bush held the first major presidential press conference highlighting these youth service awards, and created the Presidential Service Awards.
President George W. Bush appoints Sam Beard to be a member of the President’s Social Security Reform Commission. 2001
Economic Security – Save Social Security. Add Individual Savings Accounts
See: http://www.network-democracy.org/social-security/nd/rt/beard.html
Beginning in 1992, Mr. Beard began work to save and reform America’s Social Security system. Mr. Beard believes that Social Security reform must save our retirement safety net and, at the same time, create savings and wealth for all Americans. He wrote a book, Restoring Hope In America – The Social Security Solution (ICS Press 1995). In 1994, Mr. Beard founded and became President of Economic Security, with leadership from U.S. Senators Alan Simpson, Rick Santorum, Bob Kerrey and Pat Moynihan. To seek these reforms, Mr. Beard worked with the Clinton Administration 1997 – 2000. In 2001, Mr. Beard was appointed to serve on President George W. Bush’s Social Security Commission.
Sam Beard launched GIFT at an international conference in Bali in 2006. Bishop Desmond Tutu and Walter Cronkite were Co-Chairs.
The Global Investment Foundation for Tomorrow (GIFT) – Double Charity Around the World Using the Power of Compound Interest
See: http://www.globalinvestmentfoundation.org
In 2006, Mr. Beard founded the non-profit, GIFT, the Global Investment Foundation for Tomorrow. The goal of GIFT is to encourage individuals, non-profits, and corporations to use the power of compound interest to double charity around the world. The founding idea goes back to 1802 and is Ben Franklin’s. In his will, America’s Franklin left 1000 pounds each to Philadelphia and Boston and required that the money be invested untouched for 100 years. Because of the power of compound interest, hundreds of projects were funded. GIFT is using this precedent of long-term investment to double charity worldwide.
GIFT was launched in May 2006 Bali at an international conference co-chaired by Walter Cronkite and Bishop Desmond Tutu. 600 opinion makers from over 40 nations attended.
Sam with his wife Joan and children, Alex and Hillary. Photo used to launch unsuccessful campaign for the U.S. Senate. 1987
Mr. Beard is a graduate of Yale University and earned a M.A. in history from Columbia University. He is married, the father of three children and resides in Washington.
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