‘Real L Word’s’ Lauren Russell a Gem in WeHo Scene … and her Jewelry is Fine!
All work and no play would make Lauren Russell a dull girl, but we know better! So GoWEHO checked in with “The Real ‘L’ Word” star, who’s keeping her jewelry line in the public eye while making time to hit the road with the band fronted by her girlfriend, Kiyomi McCloskey.
“I’m on tour with Hunter Valentine right now,” said the vivacious jewelry designer. “We’re in Santa Cruz.”
It’s gratifying to know that life after season three of “The Real L Word” is blissful, even though the cameras have stopped rolling. Russell, who has roots in West Hollywood, has been juggling the work in New York at her Lyon Fine Jewelry company with spending time on the Hunter Valentine tour.
Kiyomi and the band will play the House of Blues on Jan. 11, along with numerous other West Coast dates in January. Russell is uncertain at this point whether she’ll be an honorary roadie with the band. It’s also unclear whether or not the girls will be back for another season of “The Real ‘L’ Word.” Either way, it’s been a memorable experience.
“I don’t think many people can say they were able to watch the first moments of the relationship,” said Russell, recalling the scene that aired on the reality TV show that revealed the first meeting between she and Kiyomi. The way their relationship played out on TV stirred up more drama for fans than it did for those involved due to editing, which showed that something romantic was brewing between Russell and her BFF, Amanda, who was also on the show.
“I’ll just say that with Amanda, clearly, we’re good friends, it wasn’t a love connection in the way people thought,” said Russell. “I know a lot of people were routing for she and I, but I was having another relationship at the time.”
Overall, she’s happy with how she is portrayed on the show, and she believes it’s been a positive experience, although more emphasis on her profession would have been nice. “It’s a surprise to us what they’re going to show … they don’t show even half of what happens,” said Russell. “I would like to see more of our work on the show. You don’t really see what I do.”
Watching “The Real ‘L’ Word,” you might think that all she does is party. But she’s also a savvy businesswoman, and busily promoting her Lyon Fine Jewelry line, a collection of edgy rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and custom cufflinks. Keep that in mind when looking for something special for a loved one this holiday.
Among her most popular pieces is the Equality Bracelet, for which she donates part of the proceeds to LGBT causes ranging from gay marriage and human rights to LGBT equality. “I just think, especially in these times, it’s really important to support what you believe in,” said Russell.
Being a member of “The Real L Word” cast has given her a bigger platform from which to drum up support. “I started designing my line when I was living in New York, about a year and a half before the show started filming,” says Russell, who was a communications major at University of Arizona.
She applied for a spot on the third season of the popular Showtime show, which depicts the lives of real-life lesbians. “They have this whole application process where you fill out a form and if they’re interested in you, you come in for an interview. I knew what I was getting into … but I do have control of my life for the most part.”
The success of her jewelry line has her traveling a lot, but when she’s back on the West Coast, she has her favorite places to hang out. “The first thing that comes to mind is the Abbey,” she said. “It always feels like home, I get to see my friends. I love a lot of the vegan restaurants around LA. I’m not vegan anymore, but I still love eating there [laughs]. I love M Café de Chaya and Real Food Daily. As far as nightlife, it would be the Abbey, and Berretta at Revolver on Tuesdays.”
For now, Russell is concentrating on her jewelry line and spending time with Kiyomi. Both are awaiting word on whether or not they’ll be back for another season on “The Real L Word.”
“It’s definitely helped a lot,” said Russell of the notoriety that the show has brought to her business. But she’ll continue building her company no matter what. “I love what I do so for me it was the greatest thing, I just want to share it with the world.”
For more about Russell or her line of jewelry, see www.Lyonfinejewelry.com .
Do you like the Equality Bracelet? Should there be another season of “The Real ‘L’ Word?” Tell us what you think!
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