Mormon Church Abandons Its Crusade Against Gay Marriage | Mother Jones

Photoillustration by Dave Gilson/MoJo. Shutterstock photos by photo.ua (temple) and zzveillust (rainbow)
Prop 8 backlash has led the Latter Day Saints to soften their treatment of LGBT church members. Perry, the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of California’s anti-gay marriage initiative, Proposition 8. In the five years since the LDS church sent busloads of the faithful to California to canvass neighborhoods, and contributed more than $20 million via its members to support the initiative, it has all but dropped the rope in the public policy tug of war over marriage equality.
Although the LDS’s prophet hasn’t described a holy revelation directing a revision in church doctrine on same-sex marriage or gay rights in general, the church has shown a rare capacity for introspection and humane cultural change unusual for a large conservative religious organization. Mother Jones reveals what has happened in the last 5 years within the Mormon Church, and you might be a bit surprised.
See full story on motherjones.com
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