Book Review: ‘Black Panther’ Won’t Disappoint Comic Fans
Black Panther The Long Shadow (Vol. 8, Book 2)
(Marvel; Released Dec. 22, 2021)
“The truth is T’Challa…..we all have our secrets.”
As a comic book fan of both Marvel and DC for decades, the thing that I hate most are when certain characters or teams become super hot properties and then either company decides to churn out tons of said books with questionable art and or stories.
They’re generally messy and largely unnecessary money-grabs and in the process, they can cheapen and water-down what may have made said characters and teams special in the first place.
Ironically, that’s been the case with a lot of Marvel properties the last few years due in large part to the breathtaking success with their films.
Finally, thanks to the Academy Award-winning storytelling skills of John Ridley and the lean, almost photo-like sharpness of artist Juann Cabal, this latest Black Panther series is already shaping up to be something well worth following. (Paperback available June 14, 2022)
There’s an element of international espionage along with the usual superhero ethos, as well an interesting core backstory that’s already hinting at shaking up the entire Marvel comics universe. Keep in mind that in comics, T’Challa is very much alive and will always be the vibrant and iconic character we’ve come to revere.
So it’s a very welcome surprise to finally see him featured in a storyline that befits and deepens his already enigmatic stature and legend.
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